Marlie Meuleners Fine Art Photography


Friday, December 22, 2023

Lensculture: Black & White Photo Awards

Your photo entry to the Lensculture Black and WhitePhotoAwards was among the top-rated entries we've received. We think it’s important for you to know that you are creating very strong work among our global community of photographers. This is an impressive accomplishment considering we get thousands of submissions from 160 countries. Congratulations from our entire team at Lensculture, we sincerely appreciate your participation in our community".

Dutch photo association: Winner in Creative ánd Overall Winner Photo Individually 2023-1

"Much remains a mystery on this photo. We recognize a human figure but we are not even able to tell whether it is a woman or a man. The most important part that could identify the figure has been left blank, it has no face. The figure is constructed from organic materials. Ferns, grasses or hair that appears to have been applied with an etching needle. The splashes in the background seem to confirm the idea of an etching. We're looking at the work of an artist. It is an autonomous work that expresses the personal ideas of the maker. As a photo it is innovative and daring".